Two Small Communities - One Big Heart

Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting

Chamber of Commerce Board Meeting 108 Main Street, Scotia, CA, United States

The Chamber of Commerce meeting is held on the first Friday of each month at 440 Wildwood Ave. in Rio Dell. You can also call into the meeting at (605) 313-4802 and use access code 860467.

Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting

Chamber of Commerce Board Meeting 108 Main Street, Scotia, CA, United States

The Chamber of Commerce meeting is held on the first Friday of each month at 440 Wildwood Ave. in Rio Dell. You can also call into the meeting at (605) 313-4802 and use access code 860467.

Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting

Chamber of Commerce Board Meeting 108 Main Street, Scotia, CA, United States

The Chamber of Commerce meeting is held on the first Friday of each month at 440 Wildwood Ave. in Rio Dell. You can also call into the meeting at (605) 313-4802 and use access code 860467.

Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting

Chamber of Commerce Board Meeting 108 Main Street, Scotia, CA, United States

The Chamber of Commerce meeting is held on the first Friday of each month at 440 Wildwood Ave. in Rio Dell. You can also call into the meeting at (605) 313-4802 and use access code 860467.

Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting

Chamber of Commerce Board Meeting 108 Main Street, Scotia, CA, United States

The Chamber of Commerce meeting is held on the first Friday of each month at 440 Wildwood Ave. in Rio Dell. You can also call into the meeting at (605) 313-4802 and use access code 860467.

Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting

Chamber of Commerce Board Meeting 108 Main Street, Scotia, CA, United States

The Chamber of Commerce meeting is held on the first Friday of each month at 440 Wildwood Ave. in Rio Dell. You can also call into the meeting at (605) 313-4802 and use access code 860467.

Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting

Chamber of Commerce Board Meeting 108 Main Street, Scotia, CA, United States

The Chamber of Commerce meeting is held on the first Friday of each month at 440 Wildwood Ave. in Rio Dell. You can also call into the meeting at (605) 313-4802 and use access code 860467.

Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting

Chamber of Commerce Board Meeting 108 Main Street, Scotia, CA, United States

All are welcome to the monthly board meeting. Attend in person at 108 Main Street, Scotia (Town of Scotia LLC board room) 12-1 or online here: Meeting link Join by phone (US) +1 916-672-9482 PIN: 951404874

Tree Lighting Ceremony

Get your holiday season started! The annual tree lighting will take place at 5 p.m. on Sat., Dec. 7 at the Community Resource Center, 406 Wildwood Ave., Rio Dell, at the corner of Columbus. Santa arrives in the fire truck parade, the resource center will have refreshments and more. Santa lights the tree on the […]

Voting Starts For Home and Business Decorations

Voting starts for winners of the home and business decorating contest. Get a map here or on paper from Shotz Coffee or the Resource Center in Rio Dell and vote for your favorite home and favorite business decorations.

Recalling the 64 Flood – A Special Event

The chamber is hosting a free event on Sat., Dec. 21 from 1-4 p.m. at the Scotia Lodge to mark the 60th anniversary of the 1964 flood. We will be showing High Water Mark, the video produced 10 years ago by a local team, with extensive interviews and stories about the flood by those who […]

Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting

Chamber of Commerce Board Meeting 108 Main Street, Scotia, CA, United States

All are welcome to the monthly board meeting. Attend in person at 108 Main Street, Scotia (Town of Scotia LLC board room) 12-1 or online here: Meeting link Join by phone (US) +1 916-672-9482 PIN: 951404874